Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Call in Gay Day

WHAT? OK, the dumb ole country boy is coming out of me.

This is ridiculous.

Tomorrow the gays are getting together and calling in sick to their jobs and donating time to different service oriented charities or other "love" causes.

I guess that the world I came from is different. Everyday I was handed a piece of paper with yesterdays performance numbers on it. A list of the employees names and what kind of job they did. And the same paper was in my bosses hand over in the big city. And when he called to thrash me, he never asked if the poor performers were black, gay, female, fat or whatever else you can come up with. They all looked the same on that paper! He just wanted to know how I was going to fix it.

All of my life I have worked with a variety of people. And what I have found is that sexual preference, color, sex, or anything else had absolutely nothing to do with work ethics, job performance, or even likability!

So who is going to suffer and pay for this idiotic move. The hard working business owners for one.

Imagine being a small store owner right here at the busiest time of the year. Maybe you have a few gays working for you. Next thing you know, they all call in sick. You are scrambling trying to cover everything. Customers are getting impatient and leaving the store. Profits are down the tubes for the day. In this economic time this is not good!

Now I have always had a live and let live type of attitude. I really don't care what the person next to me does as long as it does not affect me. I have had some gay friends and they are no different than anyone else.

And I am a God fearing man, but I can't get into Christians saying that a gay lifestyle is wrong. The world changes. People change. People like different things. That is why there is more than one flavor of ice cream!

I do believe that gays should be allowed to get married and have the same benefits as a "regular" couple. Who in the world has the right to say what is normal?

So to have a "Call in Gay Day" is just plain stupid. It may show how many gay people there are and how they affect the work place, but it may also prove how stupid they are. Is this the best way to get this message across? I don't think so!

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